Heboh! Hezbollah Gempur Israel dengan 60 Roket, Ada Apa?

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Heboh! Hezbollah Gempur Israel dengan 60 Roket, Ada Apa?

Ligaponsel.com – Lebanon’s Hezbollah fires more than 60 rockets into northern Israel.

Hezbollah, a Lebanese Shia Islamist militant group and political party, launched more than 60 rockets into northern Israel on Wednesday, July 27, 2023, in response to Israeli airstrikes on targets in southern Lebanon.

The rockets were fired from various locations in southern Lebanon and targeted open areas in northern Israel. There were no immediate reports of casualties or damage.

The Israeli military responded by firing artillery shells into southern Lebanon. There were no immediate reports of casualties or damage.

The exchange of fire came after Israeli airstrikes on targets in southern Lebanon on Tuesday, July 26, 2023. The airstrikes were in retaliation for a rocket attack on northern Israel earlier that day.

The situation between Hezbollah and Israel remains tense. Both sides have been exchanging fire across the border for several years.

Hezbollah Luncurkan 60 Roket Lebih ke Israel

Konflik memanas di perbatasan Lebanon-Israel.

Hezbollah, kelompok militan Syiah Lebanon, meluncurkan lebih dari 60 roket ke Israel utara sebagai tanggapan atas serangan udara Israel di Lebanon selatan.

Israel membalas dengan menembakkan artileri ke Lebanon selatan.

Belum ada laporan korban atau kerusakan akibat serangan tersebut.

Situasi antara Hezbollah dan Israel tetap tegang.